Ricard Argelaguet
Ricard Argelaguet

Senior Research Scientist

About Me

I am a computational biologist motivated by the applications of machine learning and artifical intelligence to the field of biology.

I did my PhD in the groups of John Marioni (EMBL-EBI, now at Genentech) and Oliver Stegle (EMBL & DKFZ), followed by a short postdoctoral stay in the group of Wolf Reik at the Babraham Institute. I developed methods for single-cell and multi-omics data integration, the most popular one being MOFA. I also worked on generating data resources in the context of embryonic development. Some examples are the single-cell multi-modal atlases of mouse gastrulation and early organogenesis.

Currently, I am working as a Senior Scientist at Altos Labs in the AI/ML team led by Thore Graepel, where I work on modelling gene perturbation screenings to characterise the regulatory networks that underlie cellular rejuvenation programming.

I am a strong advocate of open and reproducible science. If you are interested in my work please check my GitHub page, which includes code to reproduce many of the results from our publications.

Download CV
  • Data analysis
  • Computational Biology
  • Multi-omics data integration
  • Single-cell omics
  • Machine Learning
  • PhD in Statistical Genomics

    EMBL-EBI & University of Cambridge

  • MSc in Bioinformatics

    Copenhagen University (Copenhagen, Denmark)

  • BSc in Human Biology

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)

Selected publications
(2022). Decoding gene regulation in the mouse embryo using single-cell multi-omics. bioRxiv.
(2022). Identifying temporal and spatial patterns of variation from multimodal data using MEFISTO. Nature Methods.
(2022). Inter-gastruloid heterogeneity revealed by single cell transcriptomics time course: implications for organoid based perturbation studies. bioRxiv.
(2022). Single-cell multi-omics profiling links dynamic DNA methylation to cell fate decisions during mouse early organogenesis. Genome Biology.
(2021). Integrative Transkingdom Analysis of the Gut Microbiome in Antibiotic Perturbation and Critical Illness. mSystems.
(2023). Gene regulatory network inference in the era of single-cell multi-omics. Nature Reviews Genetics.
(2021). Computational principles and challenges in single-cell data integration. Nature Biotechnology.